Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The Weeping of Women is the Only Dharma We Need


No mother ever profited from war;

only men profit, women weep.

That alone is enough to condemn the enterprise;

what makes women weep is not worth the doing.


There are far worse ways for a man to plan

the course of his actions and the direction of his life

than to avoid at all costs

that which causes women to weep.


I have caused women to weep.

My Mother wept at my cruel treatment of her,

my lovers wept repeatedly,

when one by one I turned my back on them.


the mother of my children wept at my insensitivity and

my daughters wept, oh merciful Lord,

oh shameful fool, how my daughters wept

at my ignorance, my sore disgrace.


The tears of women have brought me to my knees

and blessed my heard in their sweet forgiveness,

they have bathed my heart in their tears and dried it

with their hair, breathed upon it and made it live;


what makes women weep is not worth the doing.


            red hawk


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