Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This week a poem submitted by one of our group.  Thoughts and comments are welcome.


baily's beads

life is a song
in this night
the dark is met by dark
and harder conversation.
the coming eclipse
leans heavy on the sky
i'm not ready
for this stage of life to pass
by a brief absence of light
my lack of preparation
fails to slow time
this dark
will only be a verse
the chorus will echo
of lightlyness.
my prayer now is of desired resonance:
i yearn to dwell on
the brightlyness
of the moon
as it returned to the sky
not the moment
filled by loss


e.h. sullivan


Note:  Near the beginning and end of total solar eclipse, the thin slice of the Sun visible appears broken up into beads of light. These lights are called 'Baily's Beads' after the British astronomer Francis Bailey, who discovered them. They occur because the edge of the Moon is not smooth but jagged with mountain peaks.


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